
  • 2019年秋季, the District completed the installation of NSF certified filters in all remaining indoor drinking water locations (those not already filtered). 这些过滤器将在每年夏天更换. Any aerators or screens present will also be cleaned and/or replaced annually during the summer.

    2020年冬季和春季, the District has completed the retesting of all indoor drinking water locations throughout the District. This sampling was completed in an effort to ensure that we achieve the lowest possible levels of lead in drinking water in our schools.

    From 32 school campuses and 1,820 drinking water source locations:

    • 1,772, or 98.12% of locations met or exceed the aap standard, testing at 5ppb or below.
    • 1,554 or 86.05%的测试地点未检测到铅.
    • 额外的22,或1.22% of locations tested below the EPA action level of 15ppb for municipal public drinking water sources.
    • 12个地点,或 .1的66%,806 drinking water locations tested returned results above the aap and EPA drinking water action levels.

    Locations above the aap standard were immediately removed from service and not returned to service until the aap standard was met or exceeded. 对高架地点立即进行评估,以便进行补救. Repeat first draw sampling was completed at locations with significant sediment noted in aerators and screens. Follow-up flush sampling was completed at elevated locations with no aerator or screen to determine if interior piping was contributing to the elevated lead levels. Elevated locations were replaced as necessary and tested after replacement to ensure that the aap standard was met or exceeded. Sequential sampling was not necessary during this round of sampling due to the remediation of elevated lead through other corrective sampling practices including fixture replacement. 

    2020年春季, the District will continue to complete the retesting of all exterior drinking water locations throughout the District. The District is also taking the additional step of testing all exterior locations for Fecal Coliform & 大肠杆菌 细菌. The exterior drinking water sampling is anticipated to be completed by June 2020.



  • 水质测试图

  • 饮用水中铅的aap检测计划

    As part of all of the work we do in the 美高梅博彩 to attend to the health and wellbeing of all of our students and staff, we also have our attention on the quality of our drinking water in our schools. We are committed to achieving the lowest possible levels of lead in drinking water in the aap, and take very seriously the risks associated with lead exposure, 尤其是对我们最小的孩子.

    装有水的实验瓶 We have voluntarily tested water annually in all aap schools since spring, 2016, 在前几年, 我们已经解决了所有的问题 十亿分之一 (ppb) measures of >15ppb, established 作为一个 action level by the EPA.

    The 2018-19 water testing cycle for lead in drinking water is currently in progress.

    With the overall goal of the program to reduce exposure to lead, in this current round of testing we are also lowering the threshold for when we implement the aap protocol for addressing an issue. 从2018-19年的测试开始, remediation efforts will be implemented when lead levels are at >5 ppb.

    饮水机漫画 除了, we are currently working to replace older water fixtures in schools, and installing water bottle filling stations with NSF certified lead filters. To help guide us in this work we will complete an inventory of all drinking water sources across the aap.

    Testing in aap schools is focused on all drinking water and food preparation locations, 包括所有重要的地点,比如饮水机, 厨房的水池, 教室用水装置. 水质测试由Arch Environmental Group进行, 在环境问题上成为美国环境学会的专业伙伴. Arch Environmental Group fulfills a similar service for 47 other school districts in Michigan.

    解决该问题的aap协议, when lead levels read at >5ppb, 可能包括更换水装置, 安装经过认证的铅过滤器和, 在某些情况下, 更换固定装置后面的水管, 水质专家建议的方案是什么.


    1. Install water bottle filling stations with NSF certified lead filters in all our aap schools and encour年龄 students and staff to use these as preferred locations to obtain water for consumption.
    2. 在2018- 2019年的水测试周期中, ensure all drinking water and food preparation sources are tested 在每个aap学校大楼里.
    3. Continue the flushing of all water systems following school breaks, such as summer, Thanksgiving, winter break, and spring break.
    4. 完成所有饮用水源的清单 to ensure attention is paid to all fixtures 在整个地区.
    5. Implement appropriate remediation/mitigation activities for any drinking water source locations measuring >5ppb 在整个地区.
    6. 对学生、教职员和家长的教育全国各地的基础设施老化, our aap community faces the possibility of consuming water containing lead anywhere they go, 所以之后 最佳实践 beginning with teaching our students to always obtain drinking water from trusted sources.
    7. 在低优先级位置安装标识,如浴室水槽、储物柜等. 提醒大家,这些地方的水不适合饮用.
    8. 添加 aap 饮用水中铅的检测项目信息 作为一个 向教育委员会提交年度报告 (2016年也是如此), to ensure the Board and community receive this information updated directly each year.
    9. 就像我们从春天开始做的那样, 2016, we will continue to post results of 饮用水中铅的aap检测计划 on the aap website.

    水滴卡通 在美高梅博彩, we are committed to the work of preventing and addressing levels of lead in school drinking water, and look forward to maintaining our position as a leading school district in the state on this very critical issue of student health and safety.