Office of 特殊教育

  • Concetta刘易斯
    Assistant 负责人 
    Phone: (734) 994-2318 
    Office Hours 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
    Phone: (734) 994-2318

    To help every child succeed, the Office of 特殊教育 focuses on academic outcomes, aspirations for our students, and regulatory compliance. We are providing our students with more stability and continuity, new opportunities for inclusion, and high-quality programs that are aligned with district efforts to help all our students reach a high standard ensuring access and opportunity.

    We are dedicated to providing specially designed instruction and related services through a continuum of services to students with disabilities from birth to 年龄 26; to ensure that the rights of students with disabilities are protected and that Federal and State regulatory requirements are met; and to provide resources to parents, guardians and families of children and students with disabilities.

    Certified special education teachers work with classroom teachers and related service providers to ensure that each child within Ann Arbor Public Schools from birth to 26 years old receives a free and appropriate public education. A child's team includes a certified teacher, 管理员, and other support staff to meet individual needs or the child. Support staff may include occupational therapists, 物理治疗师, speech and langu年龄 pathologists, 社会工作者,  学校心理学家, 护士, 非专业人员, board certified behavior analysts, adapted physical education, 回家乡的老师, and a variety of district teams to assist classroom teachers in helping students achieve their best version of themselves. All services are based on a child's individual educational needs.

该公司的愿景 & 信仰

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